Sunday, December 30

Cass turned 36!

Check out the birdday girl kenna molested by the ever bian tai ZY!

The most impt person other than the birdday girl is not in the pic.

No prize for guessing the no. of candles on the cake ... the hint is not less than 35 lor.

I tink next year we need a bigger cake leow!

23 Dec is a small day for mankind but a big day for Cassandra. Today is the day she turned 36 lor. I have to admit she look onli 33. Cannot really tell she is already 36 leow. Beside the usual throwing her into the water, we (I mean me lor) bought her a cake to celebrate her 36th birdday. Told CT to get ready the cake while we tried to stall for time but as usual we can neber rely on CT not to fail us lor. He onli took 5 hrs instead of the usual 98 hrs to get 1 cake & 36 candles ready. I can see tears forming in Cass's eyes when she saw the cake. Many of them said is becuz she is touch but I tink she was juz afriad the fire formed by the 36 candles on the cake might accidentally burnt her lor. Happy 36th Birdday Cass!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.