Monday, August 13


一人一半,感情不散。I was never a big fan of Royston Tan but I really like his latest work, 881. Really like the whole setup of the Getai. I watched Getai before and I always felt it is a really old school form of entertainment from my parents' generation. Like the noise and excitement that cums with it but can never fully understand the full content as my hokkien sucks! Today, coincidentally is the 1st day of the 7th month when I watched the movie. I was kinda surprised a young director is able to shoot a movie that is so rich in the local content. I pray that my kids (if i ever have any) will get to see getai, enjoy the rich culture of the seventh month when they are growing up. Love the auction in Hokkien during the dinner! Sometimes I feel we are losing more as we move forward. Chinese New Year no longer feels the same as before. Zhong Yuan Jie is not as happening when compared to the 80s. I hope the evolving of our society stop robbing us of what we used to hold so dear to us. Guess I am an old school kind of guy.

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