Saturday, July 21

Lackie: A Pictorial

"You are worried about seeing him spend his early years in doing nothing. What! Is it nothing to be happy? Nothing to skip, play, and run around all day long? Never in his life will he be so busy again." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile, 1762

"I neber take. I really neber take. Neh, see?"

Lackie showing what a huge fan she is of Ah Pek. She is so blown away. Literally.

Lackie giving her best rubber ducky impression. Actually she'd just sneezed onto my camera here. The unhygienic little cow.

Lackie playing peek-a-boo during the car ride to the zoo.

"I think. Therefore I am."

Yessh, Lackie, you've got us all convinced.

Lackie morphing into a piglet right before our very eyes.

Lackie trying her darndest to burst into tears, but obviously her usual Oscar-winning performance is a little sub-par here.

Here is when Satan just slipped into Lackie's chubby little body and hell's fury is about to be unleashed upon all of mankind.

"Ah Um, can I take a break from smiling puhleeaze? My face is so frozen liao."

Ah Pek: "Cmon Lackie. Say cheese!"
Lackie: "Nabeh, you so sart, you say yourself lor."

Ah Pek: "Smile, Lackie, smile!"
Lackie: "KNNCCB. Lim peh boh mood lah!"

"Cootchie cootchie coo. Smile, Ah Um, smile."

"Yaaaay! Bravo! I always knew that if I acted like a heinous little cow, Ah Pek would jump to my defence and there's absolutely nothing Ah Um can do about it."

Lackie mustering The Big Kiss.

Lackie demonstrating the fine art of being a lady, doing what she does best. Diggity digg!

"Har? What did you say, Ah Um? Did you just tell me to behave? Tia boh ah!"

Lackie looking mighty pleased with herself for accomplishing her usual feat of annoying the crap out of us.

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